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M&A is both art and science. At Morgan & Westfield, we value transparency and access to information to help you make one of the most important decisions in your life. Unless otherwise stated, the details in our articles, charts, and infographics are based on our professional experience and may vary by business type and size, economic and market conditions, the people involved, and many other factors.

Because M&A transactions are confidential, there is little hard data available on the processes and acquisitions. The information we present is meant to give you insight into what you may experience and should not be treated as hard and fast science. We encourage you to research and obtain information from as many trusted sources as possible before you make any final decisions.

The Most Comprehensive Library of Resources on Buying or Selling a Business

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  • Books: The Art of the Exit, A Beginner’s Guide to Business Valuation, The Exit Strategy Handbook, Closing the Deal, and Acquired – written by Jacob Orosz, president of Morgan & Westfield.
  • M&A Talk Podcast: The #1 podcast on mergers and acquisitions with over 150 episodes.
  • M&A Encyclopedia: 800+ pages of articles on every step of the M&A process.
  • Ask the Expert: Ask our team any question related to the sale or purchase of a business.
  • Downloads: Download forms and checklists for buying or selling a business.
  • M&A University: In-depth courses led by industry experts on M&A.