Terms & Conditions

Payment Terms

Fixed Fees

Morgan & Westfield may offer fixed fees for specific services, as described in an Addendum to the Financial Services Agreement. Unless agreed otherwise, the full fixed fee is due upon the Client’s signing of the Addendum.

Hourly Rates

With respect to services not covered by a fixed fee arrangement, Morgan & Westfield shall charge fees for services on an hourly basis at the following rates:

  • Senior M&A Advisor – $450 per hour
  • Supporting Staff – $100 per hour

Time is billed in increments of 5 minutes and includes any time spent by Morgan & Westfield working on Client’s matter, whether by email or phone.

Payment Methods

Client shall provide Morgan & Westfield with their credit or debit card number, expiration date, and any other information necessary for Morgan & Westfield to charge Client’s card. Morgan & Westfield shall keep the foregoing information strictly confidential. Client authorizes Morgan & Westfield to, without further notice, charge Client’s card for fees agreed upon on or after the due date of such fees. If the total fee is greater than $5,000, Morgan & Westfield may require Client to pay the fees via wire transfer to the account designated by Morgan & Westfield.

Fees for Non-Remote Work

Client acknowledges that Morgan & Westfield is able to offer competitive rates because it performs its Services via phone, email or online, which eliminates travel time. Non-remote work, which includes without limitation, face to face meetings, physical visits or investigations in government offices or third party premises, and any travel time, shall be charged on an hourly basis, plus travel expenses, unless agreed otherwise.

Refund Policy

We offer refunds at our sole discretion within the first 90 days of payment. All refunds are prorated based on the amount of completed work.

Website Terms

User’s Acknowledgment and Acceptance of Terms

WebsiteBy contributing content to our Website, you (the “Contributor”) agree to the following terms and conditions.

This Contributor Agreement is deemed executed between Morgan & Westfield, which operates morganandwestfield.com (collectively, the “Website”), and the Contributor, who shall be any person allowed or requested by the Website to provide that contributes Content, as defined below, to the Website. The Website may make changes to these terms from time to time, which become effective upon posting the changes to this webpage. You acknowledge and agree that it is your responsibility to review these terms and conditions from time to time and to familiarize yourself with any modifications. If you continue to use this site or allow your Content to remain on this site after such modifications, you will be deemed to have agreed with the modified terms.

Description of Services

By contributing content to our Website, you (the “Contributor”) agree to the following terms and conditions.

This Contributor Agreement is deemed executed between Morgan & Westfield, which operates morganandwestfield.com (collectively, the “Website”), and the Contributor, who shall be any person allowed or requested by the Website to provide that contributes Content, as defined below, to the Website. The Website may make changes to these terms from time to time, which become effective upon posting the changes to this webpage. You acknowledge and agree that it is your responsibility to review these terms and conditions from time to time and to familiarize yourself with any modifications. If, after such modifications, you continue to use this site or allow your Content to remain on this site, you will be deemed to have agreed with the modified terms.

Registration Data and Privacy

By contributing content to our Website, you (the “Contributor”) agree to the following terms and conditions.

This Contributor Agreement is deemed executed between Morgan & Westfield, which operates morganandwestfield.com (collectively, the “Website”), and the Contributor, who shall be any person allowed or requested by the Website to provide that contributes Content, as defined below, to the Website. The Website may make changes to these terms from time to time, which become effective upon posting the changes to this webpage. You acknowledge and agree that it is your responsibility to review these terms and conditions from time to time and to familiarize yourself with any modifications. If, after such modifications, you continue to use this site or allow your Content to remain on this site, you will be deemed to have agreed with the modified terms.

Conduct on Site

By contributing content to our Website, you (the “Contributor”) agree to the following terms and conditions.

This Contributor Agreement is deemed executed between Morgan & Westfield, which operates morganandwestfield.com (collectively, the “Website”), and the Contributor, who shall be any person allowed or requested by the Website to provide that contributes Content, as defined below, to the Website. The Website may make changes to these terms from time to time, which become effective upon posting the changes to this webpage. You acknowledge and agree that it is your responsibility to review these terms and conditions from time to time and to familiarize yourself with any modifications. If, after such modifications, you continue to use this site or allow your Content to remain on this site, you will be deemed to have agreed with the modified terms.

Third-Party Sites and Information

By contributing content to our Website, you (the “Contributor”) agree to the following terms and conditions.

This Contributor Agreement is deemed executed between Morgan & Westfield, which operates morganandwestfield.com (collectively, the “Website”), and the Contributor, who shall be any person allowed or requested by the Website to provide that contributes Content, as defined below, to the Website. The Website may make changes to these terms from time to time, which become effective upon posting the changes to this webpage. You acknowledge and agree that it is your responsibility to review these terms and conditions from time to time and to familiarize yourself with any modifications. If, after such modifications, you continue to use this site or allow your Content to remain on this site, you will be deemed to have agreed with the modified terms.

Assessment Terms & Conditions

1. Relationship of Parties: Company (“Morgan & Westfield”) is an independent contractor with respect to Client and is not an employee of Client. Company is not a legal representative of any party. Company is strictly a third-party advisor and does not assume fiduciary responsibility. 

2. No Legal Advice: Company is not an attorney or CPA and cannot advise the parties as to any legal remedy, business, or tax consequences of any provision or instrument set forth or prepared in connection with this Transaction. 

3. No Guarantees: Company makes no guarantees, representations, or warranties regarding the advisability of entering into any transaction. Company has not verified the accuracy or completeness of any relevant information received from any source. 

4. Confidentiality: Client recognizes that Company has, and will have, access to a limited amount of proprietary information (“Information”), which is valuable, special, and unique. Company recognizes that it is imperative that such Information be protected from improper disclosure. In consideration for the disclosure of the Information, Company will not, at any time or in any manner, either directly or indirectly, use any Information for Company’s own benefit or gain, or divulge, disclose, or communicate in any manner any Information to any third party without the prior written consent of Client.

5. Payment Terms: For any consulting work and/or advice (“Consulting Services”), Client agrees to pay Company based on its current hourly rates, which are available at www.morganandwestfield.com/terms-and-conditions/. 

6. Governing Law: Any claim or dispute arising shall be governed by the laws of the state of Delaware and brought only in the Superior Courts of Delaware.

Contributor Terms

By contributing content to our Website, you (the “Contributor”) agree to the following terms and conditions.

This Contributor Agreement is deemed executed between Morgan & Westfield, which operates morganandwestfield.com (collectively, the “Website”), and the Contributor, who shall be any person allowed or requested by the Website to provide that contributes Content, as defined below, to the Website. The Website may make changes to these terms from time to time, which become effective upon posting the changes to this webpage. You acknowledge and agree that it is your responsibility to review these terms and conditions from time to time and to familiarize yourself with any modifications. If, after such modifications, you continue to use this site or allow your Content to remain on this site, you will be deemed to have agreed with the modified terms.


Contributor may, at his discretion] post or contribute original content on the Website, The nature and frequency of such Contributor’s content may beto be separately agreed between Contributor and Website. (“Content”).

The Content may include, but is not limited to, articles, essays, analyses, podcasts, blogs, interviews, lectures, discussions, reviews, comments, messages, emails, suggestions, ideas, comments, questions, or other information composed of data, text, software, charts, tables, diagrams, music, sound, photographs, graphics, video, lists or other materials (collectively, “Content”).


The exposure that the Website provides to the Contributor shall be the sole consideration for the Content and this Agreement. Contributor acknowledges that he shall provide Content free of charge and without expectation of payment. The parties may separately agree upon additional consideration.

Term and Termination

This Agreement shall remain in force until terminated by either party upon written notice, provided that the Website’s rights over the Content and Contributor’s responsibility for the same shall survive any termination.


Contributor shall not solicit, hire, or recruit any employee or contractor of the Website or otherwise induce such employee or contractor to leave the employment or engagement of Website if Contributor becomes acquainted with such person in connection with the Services.

Grant of Rights

By posting Content to the Website, the Contributor grants the Website the right to remove, delete, change, withhold, or edit such Content in its sole discretion, provided that the Website shall preserve the Content’s meaning and credit the Contributor as the author. Contributor grants and warrants that Contributor has the right to grant an irrevocable, perpetual, non-exclusive, royalty-free, assignable, sub-licensable, worldwide license to use, copy, perform, display, reproduce, adapt, publish, translate, modify, and distribute the Content. The Website may prepare derivative works of the Content or incorporate the same into other works and in any media. Contributor further warrants that public posting and use of the Content by the Website will not infringe or violate the rights of any third party. Website may use the name, identity, and photo of the Contributor in connection with the Content.

Proprietary Material

Except for that information which is in the public domain, Contributor may not incorporate any proprietary material into the Content without obtaining the prior written consent of the owner of such material. The Website may suspend or remove any posted Content if the Website has reasonable ground to believe that the Content infringes upon a third party’s proprietary rights or if the Website receives notice of the existence of a relevant third-party claim.

Limitation of Liability

Except for that information which is in the public domain, Contributor may not incorporate any proprietary material into the Content without obtaining the prior written consent of the owner of such material. The Website may suspend or remove any posted Content if the Website has reasonable ground to believe that the Content infringes upon a third party’s proprietary rights or if the Website receives notice of the existence of a relevant third-party claim.