Our Process: Step 3 — Market

Confidentially Market Your Business

An effective marketing strategy attracts buyers willing to pay top dollar.

We develop and execute a strategic marketing campaign focused on targeting the right group of buyers – including wealthy individuals, strategic acquirers, and industry and financial buyers.

Marketing your business successfully includes:

  • Confidential, targeted campaigns
  • A phased release of information
  • Preliminary transaction structuring
  • Exposure to local, national, and international markets
  • Strategies to maintain confidentiality and security

“Diplomacy is the art of letting someone else have your way.”

– Sir David Frost, British Journalist and TV Personality

Creating a Confidential Marketing Strategy


  1. We determine the buyers most likely to pay the highest price, including individual, financial, and corporate buyers through compelling global, regional, and locally targeted campaigns.
  2. We tailor a strategic marketing plan for your business and confidentially execute it across multiple channels to drive competitive bidding from multiple parties.
  3. Once we have a launch date, we send your Teaser to targeted buyers to anonymously drum up interest.
  4. We issue an NDA to interested buyers. After the NDA is signed, additional information is released in measured stages as the sale unfolds.

Preparing the Buyer List

If your business is likely to be sold to a competitor or financial buyer, we identify companies that present potential synergies to buyers. You maintain veto power over the buyer list – we only approach buyers with your approval.

Read about strategies for maintaining confidentiality when selling your business.

Qualifying Potential Buyers


  1. Interested buyers sign an NDA and receive the information we have prepared about your business.
  2. We screen buyers in stages, releasing more sensitive details in phases as negotiations progress.


  • Save Time: Our efficient and confidential process allows you to deal with only serious candidates.
  • Qualify Buyers: We screen buyers to ensure they are qualified before they receive sensitive information on your business.
  • Maintain Confidentiality: We release your information in phases to maintain confidentiality.

Managing Preliminary Negotiations


  • After engaging potential acquirers, our team manages negotiations and coaches you through vital meetings.
  • We create a dynamic environment to maximize our negotiating leverage by setting deadlines, controlling momentum, and creating competition among buyers.
  • We assess offers, prepare counter-offers, and bring the parties toward a mutual agreement.


  • Leave It To Us: We handle the negotiations while you run your business.
  • Maximize Price: We drive interest from multiple potential acquirers to get the best price and terms for you.
  • Managed Process: We negotiate with multiple buyers to keep you in the driver’s seat and preserve our leverage
A man creating graffiti inspired art
Industry: ServicesRegion: South Central

When Jeremy Wells decided to put his business on the market, he was facing a lot of challenges. “It was a difficult year for me,” Jeremy recalled. The business was slower than in previous years. Jeremy was dealing with health…

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