Knowledge Base

The most comprehensive, easy-to-understand source of information for selling a small to mid-sized business.

5 - Marketing

This section covers the most effective ways to confidentially market your business for sale. Discover how buyers are found, screened, and contacted, and how to keep news of your sale a secret.

Buyer Meetings

M&A Basics | Handling Buyer Meetings

What happens after the buyer receives a confidential information memorandum (CIM) about a business? When meeting with a potential buyer, keep in mind the Golden Rule: Treat others how you want to be treated.


Should We Disclose our Revenue, SDE & EBITDA in Our Ads?

Revenue, SDE, and EBITDA can significantly impact a buyer’s decision on whether to pursue a particular opportunity, let alone purchase that business. Most buyers are searching for a business with the lowest possible multiple.

Marketing a Small Business for Sale

If you’re near Google, go ahead and search for “businesses for sale.” What you’ll get in return in a fraction of a second is a myriad of web portals that exclusively list opportunities for prospective owners of small and mid-sized businesses.

Additional Ways to Market Your Company for Sale

The steps that follow are necessary to consider only if the initial marketing campaigns to sell your business aren’t generating adequate results. So, if they’re not coming to you, you may need to go to them.

M&A Process | Using Targeted Campaigns to Sell Your Business

With a targeted campaign, we reach out directly to potential corporate buyers — many M&A advisors call this a private auction. This involves compiling a list of potential corporate buyers and then contacting them directly through emails, letters, and phone calls. Corporate buyers can also be targeted through select trade publications.

M&A Basics | Fishing vs. Hunting for Buyers of Your Company

You must figure out the most efficient way to contact your targeted market. Do you hunt them down directly? Or, is it more effective to advertise your business for sale in the form of targeted media that reaches those who are actively looking for businesses to buy?

Screening Buyers

Process for Screening Buyers When Selling a Business

Just as buyers perform due diligence on you and your business, performing due diligence on buyers is also paramount. One of the most time-consuming yet critical first steps in the sale process is screening potential buyers. The importance of screening buyers cannot be overstated.


When Should I Send my Financials to a Buyer of my Business?

If confidentiality is still a concern, however, there are some steps that you, as the seller, can take to help prevent highly sensitive information from getting into the wrong hands (i.e., a competitor) at the wrong time (i.e., early in the process, before you’re satisfied that they are serious buyers).

Why Do Buyers Disappear When Selling My Business?

Buyers are like everyone else — they’re busy and are likely considering multiple alternatives to acquiring your business. A buyer may initially appear interested and may later change their mind after considering another business.
