

Reducing Food Waste with Neolithics’ Innovative Technology

This episode focuses on an AI agri-tech startup aimed at helping the produce industry increase profitability and sustainability. David Kat discusses how Neolithics’ technology allows for non-destructive testing of fruits and vegetables to assess quality and taste without damaging the produce. The technology aims to align the interests of all players in the food value […]

Regenerative Farming – A New Approach to Agriculture

Impact investing can make a difference in regenerative agriculture. Will Harris, a 4th-generation farmer in rural Georgia, talks about the evolution of the beef industry into a vertically integrated food system, the positive impacts of grass-fed beef, and the benefits to animal welfare – areas that are returning to being valued aspects of food production. […]

Heirloom Farms – Vibrant Produce with Less Waste

Get a behind-the-scenes look at building and scaling a food and beverage business that is capitalizing on upcycled produce. Ryan Armistead talks about how he started Happy Moose Juice company and their commitment to family farms, organic foods, and sustainable practices. He discusses the benefits of heirloom farming and the impact this has on fruit […]

Cultivating Innovation: Strategies for Success in the Sugar Beet Industry

Albert Duoibes has been focused on innovation in the F&B sector for over 35 years. His focus currently is on the sugar beet industry, but his advice and comments extend beyond sugar. Albert discusses using natural resources, minimizing waste, and the environmental impact of the supply chain. He describes the power of sugar, the need […]

Farm to Table – An Insider’s Take on the Beef Industry

This episode of Food & Beverage Talk will give you insight into everything you could possibly want to know about beef and the beef industry. Renan de Lima leads with a definition of high-quality meat and why this is an important distinction. He discusses the influence of genetics, grass-fed versus grain-fed beef, the impact of […]

Farm to Fork – A Discussion of the Agricultural Supply Chain

The agricultural industry’s broad supply chain and complex distribution system feed the world. Cale Rice, VP of lending with National Bank Holdings, brings his passion and extensive experience to the table to discuss financing, banking, and the challenges that exist for the food and agricultural industry. He discusses the complexities of the supply chain, factors […]

Saving the Planet One Plant-Based Food Company at A Time

Plant-based foods are gaining popularity as consumers recognize the relationship between eating well and feeling well. Connie Marples, founder of Boosh Plant-Based Foods, shares her experiences operating a start-up through going public and recently acquiring Beanfields. She discusses consumer preferences and interest in plant-based foods, financial audits, integrating an established new acquisition into a company […]